“I am now your appa!”

19 Jan

Det där var en quote från G.O som nu ska bli papi tillsammans med fyra andra idioter. Det är mina älsklingar jag pratar om, MBLAQ ska göra “Hello Baby”! SER NI MIN LYCKA????++ najj?? :D:D::D:DDD Imorgon sänds det första avsnittet in Korea, så jag får väl se det lite senare men iaf. So freaking excited! Och jag vet den här nyheten är ingen nyhet längre. Men det var det jag ville skriva just nu så aa, gå och skit på dig. Idag var jag inte in le skola, mådde illa och var trött och vi skulle ändå börja 11:55 av några anledningar så jag stannade hemma. Har alltså inte gjort mycket. Druckit te och juice och tittat på Glee (……) och lyssnat på världens finaste. Och jag menar det verkligen, den här låten och den här lilla killen är så fina. Det finns inte<3 Och om man inte har sett dramat, eller inte den här scenen fattar man nada och jag är dum i skallen och så, mys pys.. Men den är underbar. Så idag har jag också spillt lite tårar över Jeremy, som är så fin, så fin.

Och nu kommer jag tjata om “You’re beautiful”.. IGEN! hihihihi :DD nej men seriöst people, om ni inte har sätt det där jävla dramat. Ta tummen ur röven och se det. Oki? För det äger. Och ni kommer fatta varför jag gråter åt den här låten, tillsammans med Jeremy. Och ni kommer fatta varför dem säger Jeremy jätteroligt och ni kommer fatta varför allting är så nuttiputtiii gulle göll. OKI?? Saaaaraaang saranghaeyooooo..<3

Tror jag drar mitt ass till skolan imorgon, eller idag.. blir det. Mm. Aa. Typ.

jag och rebecca älskling.

The end of your wet eyes full of memories. I hope it dies in my embrace.

4 Jan

One of the most beautiful songs I know.

Be mine. I love you, okay? I worry about you, okay? I’ll protect you until the end. 


1 Jan


First day of  2012 today, haha if you didn’t know! I’m happy, a new year a new start right. Did everyone have a good new years eve yesterdaaay? Hope so ^^ At the moment I’m in my new “mjukisdress”, wth is the english word for that LOL.. I got it from my aunt on my birthday. Black and cosy, I can show it later ^__^ If you guys want I can take photos of the things I got on my birthday, and maybe xmas.. that would be fun right haha 😀 Anyways in my “mjukisdress” on my bed and listening to bummie. I loved his new song “Star”, but listening to “Girlfriend” atm.. be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girlfriend my guuuurl..
The Jay songs I listen to the most right now,

he starts his performance around 4:00.  This was from IS2 and he preformed a remix of some song (don’t even know LOL), but I really love it! Listen to this everyday haha.

Star, ofc. The MV is amazing, song is wonderful and Jay is just… awwiieiei my little bummie♥

Tomorrow I’m gonna meet up with my babe, we need our girl-talk you see haha! And on tuesday I’m gonna have a coffee with Cornelia sweetie, and this wednesday it’s sleep-over tiiime with råttorna :DD I don’t know why I told everyone that…. Like you care, right hahah! OKAY WHATEVER. It’s nice to see all my buddies, now when I’m on break ^^ But it’s like only a week left on le xmas-break buhuhuh **cries a river*.. ;(((.. I want looonger breaks. This xmas-break was like the shortest one I ever had, seriously. Tshhh.. school is mean. But it’s not too bad, cuz I’m just gonna be in school some weeks until I have my PWE at my mom’s saloon. Gonna be so much fun 😀 I get to work in the real life with real people and ohhh, haha just kidding ^_^

fireworks@tumblr, me yesterday, yang-leader being cool, star shit@tumblr, baby. 

I realized Hoya is really really like really awesome and cute and HAWT and all that.. (it’s now official hihi).
Meet my.. uhm.. third husband?
And with that, I’m off. Gonna make some tea and watch infinite sesame playaaaa!
Pöss och kram<3 too bad if you’re not swedish.

If you’re bored.. check out my new tumblr layout ^_^ HERE.

Sweet 16

30 Dec

It’s my birthday today hihi<3
I just really wanted to show this shirt my sister got me. like seriouslyyyy hahaha she’s so so sweet! I didn’t expect this AT ALL. She bought a white shirt and then printed letter onto it.. and she wrote..

looooooook! hihihihihi I’M SO HAPPY seriously gonna wear that everyday.


And I’m back again..

17 Dec

Hey angels. Who’s back, again ^_^ I’m glad I’m updating again tbh. It’s fun to blog really.. just forgot to be all fun and witty sometimes na (:

I don’t even now if you want to know what I do on my free time but whatever. Today I had a free day from school, yes thank the lord, that was wonderful. Didn’t sleep that long though cuz I wass going to meet up with my friend. I met Car and Felix and we went to my school because I had to fix some shit with my locker. Can’t talk about that cuz I’m too tired but it didn’t work out too well so we left school after like one minute. Haha LOL. After that me and Felix went to his place and Car went home. We had fun ^_^ watched lots of movies and ate good food♥ I came home about ten in the evening to babysit my little siblings. They can’t sleep in this big house by themselves you see, and my mum and dad were out on a date soo.. someone got to do it 😉 And that’s pretty much my day. Me and my sister watch some weird ass movie on 6:an, it was like… the weirdest shit I’ve seen in a while LOOOOL. Don’t even remember the name, sorry heh ;3
I’m so jealous of those people who already have xmas break, like whaaaat.. it’s so early T_T and I’m not gonna be free until NEXT freaking friday, or maybe thursday.. not even sure hah. When do you people go on break? 

Pictures from today and from tumblr.

And here’s a song that I like very much..

May your neighbours respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you. And heaven accept you.

I’m gonna sleep. Have a goodnight!

I can see, that’s my baby

15 Dec


What happened to us? So close all the time la.. I’m sorry I know I’ve been a bitch. I’ll fix this.. I PROMISE!
HAHAHAA…. too bad my blog is partly dead all the time. Sup bitches? Missed me? I know ya’ll did.

Sooo.. In like, one week, exactly I’m going for xmas break. Oh thank the lord! This christmas, feels.. like it’s gonna be a damn good one. I loooove christmas really, mostly because of the snow, cuz snow you guys.. the best thing in this world♥ (except some pretty little people on the other side of earth.) And yeah, I knooow it’s no snow here atm. FUCK YOU WEATHER GODS. what the heck, we need snow here, that’s like abc to a good christmas. That poudry little stars falling from the heaven. SNOOOOOOOW. Oh well, i’m not gonna stay in Stockholm this xmas anyways soo.. bye ugly gray ground! I’m going to my grans place and there it’s snow, aaaalot of snow! For a couple of days.. like 22 to 27th.. Home before my birthday! Oh yeaaah! Turning 16 you guuuuys 🙂 AND I’M SO FREAKING EXCITED :D:D:D:D
If you didn’t know, my birthday is on the 30th december haha, yeah you can laugh. Last but not least ^___^
Lately I’ve haven’t been too busy. I guess, hahaha! Just chillin’, as always 🙂 We don’t have so much homework and shit in my school you see. But I do have three tests I have to do before I go on break, heh. But that’s my own fault ^^ la, take care of school you guys! It’s just unnecessary to screw things up.  Advice from Aibai!

Wanted to share this song with you guys. By the wonderful Tim, and it’s called Chillin Here In the Atmosphere (C.H.I.A).
I really really really love this song, haha! The video is sooo cute and the song is amazing. I can see that’s my baby♥

I’ll update more this comming weekend, and week okaay.. so look forward to that peeps ^___^

hugs n kisses♥

En liten lista

15 Nov
1. Dryck: Schweppes
2. Telefonsamtalet: Mami
3. SMS: Sandis
4. Sång du lyssnade på: 2PM – Back 2 u

6. Dejtat någon två gånger: Typ..ja.

7. Har någon varit otrogen mot dig: Niet. Jag är nog för underbar för det du!
8. Varit kär: Nope. Still looking 🙂
9. Förlorat någon speciell person: Tyvärr, ja.
10. Varit deprimerad: Smått, I guess. Vem har inte? LOL
11. Varit så trött att du somnat sittandes: Haha ja… händer lite för ofta.
12. Aprikos
13. Svart
14. Rosa
15. Lärt känna en ny vän: Yes!
16. Fått ditt hjärta krossat: No!
17. Skrattat så att du har börjat gråta: Hahah.. everyday.
18. Träffat någon som gjort en förändring i ditt liv: Absolut (:
19. Insett vilka som är dina äkta vänner: Japp. BAMMM!
20. Fått reda på att någon har pratat om dig: Haha japp. Haters to the left!
21. Pussat någon kompis: Jadå.

22. Hur många av dina msn-kompisar har du träffat: Msn… det var länge sedan. Ingen aning!
23. Hur många barn vill du ha i framtiden: 0. Nej, men ommm.. 1 liten pojk. Halv svensk – halv korean vad tror ni?
24. Har du några husdjur: Dammråttor under sängen.
25. Vill du ändra ditt namn: Ne

26. Vad gjorde du under din förra födelsedag: Tjejmiddag, släktmiddag and prateeeyyy!
27. Vilken tid vaknade du idag: 06:45.
28. Vad gjorde du igår runt midnatt: Drömde om Junho när han dansar back 2 u. Serri! Kanske förklarar varför jag har lyssnat på den låten hela dagen..
29. Någonting som du längtar till: JULEEEEN. Seriöst igår när jag såg på morgonnyhterna (okej såg inte, det bara va på tv:n) så blev jag fett med taggen in för julen. Ja ba “VARFÖR HAR DEM INTE JULPYNTAT STUDION ÄN?!?!?”. Assååå.. Ska börja julpynta mitt rum typ nu. eoagimnkan sxl,cvkmc och min födelsedag.
31. En sak du skulle vilja ändra i ditt liv: Why was I born in this country? =.=
32. Vad lyssnar du på just nu: 2PM – Again and Again. (ojojojojjo hon bytte låt!)
33. Har du någonsin pratat med en person vid namn Jens: Niet.
34. Vad gör dig irriterad just nu: Min cepe tv funkar inte. HELVETES KUKEE_ELELELELADPMVGAEI hatar dig.

36. Vad är ditt namn: Ajbaj a.k.a Amanda.

37. Singel/upptagen: Snigel. Ja jag skrev snigel.
38. Stjärntecken: Stenis. Stenbock..
39. Kille eller tjej: Guuuurl
40. Grundskola: Oj. Ehhhh förskolan-6 = Älta skola, 7-9 = Stavsborgsskolan
41. Gymnasie: Plusgymnasiet Liljeholmen – Stylist (YOU NAME IT GIRL!!!)
42. Högskola: Inte.
43. Hårfärg: Blond, typ.
44. Långt eller kort: Liten skit.
45. Längd: en och sextiotre. kan det stämma?
46. Vad gillar du gällande dig själv: Huh, ta om frågan tack?
47. Piercings: Öronen, ofc. Hade naveln, men ahhh..
48. Tattoos: None.
49. Höger eller vänster: derecho.

50. Puss: Hmhmhmhmmm,… on le birthtable. :D?
51. Operation: Räknas tänderna? Dem är fake as a bitch.

52. Piercing: Ah, naveln.
53. Tatueringen: Äru störd?
54. Bästa vän: Sofia Johnsson. 🙂
55. Sporten du spelade: Kan det vara babysim?
56. Husdjur: Le dog. Oliwer<3
57. Vaccination du minns: Ojj.. stelkramp i 4:an? Fa-an vilket helvete det var.
58. Konsert: Maybe.. Justin Timberlake?

59. Äter du: Ingetentiiing 😀
60. Dricker du: Ingentiiing 😀

61. Är du på väg att: Svara på nästa idiotiska fråga.
62. Lyssnar du på: DBSK, wah wah ahhh!
63. Väntar du på: Ingenting. Mat. Sova. Skit.

64. Vill du ha barn: Om, jag får barn. 1 liten pöjk.
65. Vill du gifta dig: Vet inte.. känns överskattat.

66. Karriär i åtanke: Stylist for lajf (;
67. Läppar eller ögon: Ögon, hallå.
68. Kramar eller pussar: Pusselipuss. Ne..kanske kram.. eller…. BÅDA. SAMTIDIGT. hashshahshshahshshsh
69. Kortare eller längre: Längre. Herregud!
70. Yngre eller äldre: Äldre. Herregud!
71. Romantisk eller spontan: Varför står dem mot varandra?…. Spontan.
72. Snygg mage eller snygga armar: ..kan jag säga mage. döda mig inte (a)
73. Tatueringar eller piercingar: Tatueringar!!! Piercingar kan gå och fucka sig.
74. Känslig eller inte: Inte. No cry-baby.
75. Ragg eller förhållande: Förhållande?
76. Bråkstake eller tveksam: Haha wtf?.. Jag antar bråkstake..

77. Kysst en främling: Främling vet jag inte…

78. Gjort något sjukt spontant: Ehm ja.
79. Tappat glasögon eller linser: Linser ja. Hahah stupid ass-
80. Haft sex på första dejten: Ne!
81. Krossat någons hjärta: Tror så ): i’m sorry!
82. Har någon krossat ditt hjärta: Nope. I’M STRONG BITCHES.. haha =.=
83. Har du blivit arresterad: Nejeje.
84. Dissat någon: Amen, jo..
85. Gråtit när någon dött: Ja.
86. Gillat din tjejkompis (mer än som vän): Nej hahaha! Oh damn, dem här frågorna..

87. Dig själv: Jadå.
88. Mirakel: Nepp.
89. Kärlek vid första ögonkastet: Går ju inte, kära vänner. Även fast ni vill (: man kan dock vara attraherad av en person vid första ögonkastet, men inte freaking bli kär i personen? xD
90. Himlen: What else?
91. Tomten: Nope.
92. Att kyssas på första dejten: Antar det. hehe ;3
93. Änglar: Ja!!

94. Är du kär: Japp. I min man.
95. Vad är viktigast i ditt liv just nu: Skolan, MBLAQ, och familjen. Vissa vänner också (:
96. Ditt största misstag du gjort: Ljugit om någonting jag inte borde ha ljugit om, litat på personer som bara stabbed my back!
97. Höjdrädd: Nej då.
98. Bästa film: Film.. Dirty dancing 2, kommer aldrig sluta älska haha.
99. Beroende av: Gissa? HAHA
100. Har du svarat ärligt på alla hundra frågor: Ah 😀 Var det 100? shieeet.

Take a shot for me

12 Nov

Yesterday. Oh yesterday.. Friday right, so that means school. And school means lessons. I had swedish, math and english lesson. No stylist on fridays, which makes it soo freaking hard to come to school. I know, lazy mother f<3. Oh well, it’s the only day I don’t have stylist lessons so shiet..
I saw a picture of Joon with the english flag in the background.. and I was like.. “HOLY MOTHER BEEEP BEEEPPEPEPEP BEEEEP..” I really thought he was in London. At that time.. And I freaking cursed myself for going home like a week earlier. “I’M SO STUPIIIID! WAE GOD WAAAAE!!” Then I saw the little lyrics on the picutre. – Happy princess fairy in Sydney.
Oh. Oh? Oh.. Sydney. SYDNEEEEYYYYY!!! :D:D:D::DDD I was so happy after I read that text, just tellin’ ya.
I slept at Caroline’s house yesterday too. After school, yeahahaha.. I went to her house and had fun<3 Love you darl. I really need these kind of nights sometimes, when you’re just home and taking it chill with your best buddy in le world.  We watched some weird zombie movie, that was suppose to be scary and FUNNY? like what the.. And then earlier today we saw a movie called “Födelsedagen” in swedish, so I guess “The birthday” or whatever? An old movie, but we both liked it haha. It was cute (: doooooong, I liked 😉
Today I haven’t done shit. Been tumblin’ the whole dayyy haha.. can’t stop that shiet<3 I think I’ve been on tumblr a couple of years now, but it’s more fun then ever atm haha 😀 Tomorrow it’s father’s day here, so we’re gonna celebrate papi and gonna go to my grandpa’s place and eat dinner and cake, I think 🙂 will be nice, I hope!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Don’t get too drunk, and follow me on tumblr.. aiiight?

me last thursday in school.  



30 Oct

Say ma name

29 Oct

Hi people! I’m now on BREAK from school, a school-free week of nothing nothing nothing. That’s kind of a lie, hehe, cuz I’m going to London biatches!! SO FREAKING EXCITED. I’ll bring my maccie, so maybe I’ll update here or on tumblr, or facebook. Did you see I’m been loving facebook lately, hahah kill me. It’s just the easiest way to put up pictures from le school. Plus some days ago I made a group to our class, so now we can chat share things and chat together yaay 😀 Aren’t I super duper clever.

Yesterday I was in school just an hour, our schedule is fucked up I know. After that I went home and slept for like and hour, power nap! Then later I went to Adrianooo and we watched some movies and ate pizza. It was nice♥. He’s such a cutie, you know!

Anyways.. what’s popping in the k-pop world? I saw this new group, MyName, right?
Or this is how it was.. Someone said, “Look at that new group, they’ve just debuted!!” and I was like, “Oh yeah, sure!”. Then I searched it up, and watched there live.. and I was like: “This is not a just debuted rookie group.” Like holy mother, they’re sooo good! New groups have been very bad lately, not very.. but not in my taste anyways! I liked Teen Top when they released their debuting single but then it faded a bit cuz I don’t have a bias in there (if you don’t count Chunji!! whehehehe..) Anyways. All this new groups, not super great.. And don’t hate me for this but, MyName is the best new-boygroup I’ve seen in a while. B1A4, Teen Top, Boyfriend, all have this “cute” image. That I guess you already know, I’m not too up for. Block B in other hands, I kinda like them. Their debut song, super! Next song (what’s the name? I don’t even-), hated it! So yeah. Haha. MYNAME is good shit. So I first watched the live right, and then I saw the MV on some blog. And I was like hoooly maccaroni… I LOVE THAT INTRO. The intro is so freaking good, addicvtive and whatever. YAAHAHLALALAL LA YAH LALALALALA YAYAYAYAYYAYAYA….who wouldn’t love that? x)
Then in chores it all faded into a somewhat ordinary k-pop song.. and I was like: “No.”. It was a bit drepessing. I thought I was going to here something super cool, but it’s okay.. It was a pretty good chores! But they say message so terrible I wanna die. Like who… who in the world told them to sing “Messagiiieeeeeeee..”. Hahah so cute. The MV was good. But I recognized too much stuff from other MV’s, like Stay MV room, Block B rooms and clothing.. but whatevaaaa♥. But then it comes to the chores again and… it doesn’t fit to be all manly, and dance like a really strong dance and sing “You got a messagiieee..”, in a super quirky and happy way. No nonononono.. I do love the other parts of the song, and the dance is awesome! I think this will be one of my new favorite groups, cuz there really is something with them. I read people say like, “This is like the new TVXQ..” and stuff. I and feel them! It’s something DBSK-ish about them, (maybe cuz the main singer kinda sound like Yunho..). My bias, I now sure if I have one yet. But the guy with red hair is cute ^_^ When he sang the rap part and was like “HOHO” (or hoe hoe, if you want.) I was like “AWWIIIIE.. pop that chest!!”. I like this group, for now.. we’ll see what’s gonna happen in lee future! MyName Fighting!

And this,

  • Rihanna: o na na whats my name
  • Myname: we’re a kpop group, thanks for askingI LOVE TUMBLR owmjaogkaåsösss.